On Fri, Mar 28, 2003 at 01:14:11PM -0600, Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:
- All output, both inside the article text and outside, must
be fully W3C-compliant HTML 4.0 for now, and XHTML 1.0 at some point in the future.
We need to close our <P> tags before we validate!
Only for XHTML, and we aren't there yet. The pages should validate as HTML 4.0 Transitional now, modulo any bugs that may have been introduced since I last did that (I know of one I'm working on).
I don't believe closing your <p> tags violates 4.01, and it moves us closer to XHTML. As such, it seems like a damned good idea to me. :) What annoys me more is how ugly our HTML looks. I'll admit; ugly HTML is not wrong, but it is pretty distasteful. Kind of like playing gothic rock at a funeral. :P Could we settle on a standard look for our HTML? I see things like this all the time (pulled out of rabbit):
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript"> (capitalization suckiness) <a href="....." class='internal'> (mixed quotes) #quickbar a.new { color: CC2200; ) (invalid, but possibly parsed) <table width='98%'> border=0 cellspacing=0> (mixed/missing quotes)
Can we just settle upon lowercase tags and double quotes around all attributes?