Thanks for your work on Gerrit, Paladox!
The Polygerrit upgrade looks great; the thread view is especially amazing. (If you are not familiar with it, check this patch [1] and click "Comment Threads" near the bottom of the screen.) I mostly have behavior issues (on; I haven't tested whether they affect 2.16): * URLs are hard to get right due to arcane escaping rules. I have been completely unable to make search shortcuts that work in both the old and new UI. * Almost impossible to find clone URLs. (T206049, but also in the old UI I could click through from the patch to the to the repo admin screen and that's also impossible to find now. I see it's slightly easier in 2.16 but still annoying.) * For me the most unintuitive part is the relation chain, especially when it is nonlinear. A graph view would be handy there, and also making it more explicit what is the parent and what is the child. * Probably not a UI thing, but it's very annoying that patch uploaders cannot edit the description of their own patch (the gerrit patchset description, not the commit summary).
On the plus side, * Avatars are really nice and make the whole experience more human. (They are not enabled on the Wikimedia Gerrit yet, right?) * At some point search autocomplete switched from prefix-autocompletion to substring-autocompletion (e.g. for project names). That sounds like a small thing but it really made life a lot more convenient.