Hi all,
I'm an Outreachy https://www.outreachy.org/alums/ intern and as a part of the internship, I'm working on a project - WikiCV https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiCV.
Through this project we (my mentors - Gergő Tisza and Stephen LaPorte and I) want to create a contribution summarizing tool which (unlike the existing ones that focus on statistics and are hard to interpret for someone not familiar with Wikipedia editing) highlights contributions in an easy-to-understand manner.
I'm writing this to gather inputs from prospective users of this tool, that is all the Wikipedia editors!
Basically I want to understand what all things would you like to see in a tool like this? Or what all would you write in your Wikipedia CV?
You can give in your inputs through mail (I'd be more than happy to get one :)) or fill out this form https://goo.gl/forms/slmOreey5iVPWzFx1. My work is largely dependent on your inputs, so please pour in your comments/views. Your help will be quite appreciated!
Eagerly waiting for your inputs :) Thanks, Megha Sharma