On 28 July 2013 17:48, Robert Cummings robert@interjinn.com wrote:
On 13-07-28 06:33 AM, Svip wrote:
Particularly because int nor str doesn't exist in the language, you
Yes they do.
No, they don't. They only exist in the context you describe below:
cannot cast things in PHP to control your types.
One certainly can:
$int = (int)$string;
Can I do var_dump(int);? Well, it turns out the only thing you can do is casting, but even casting in PHP is rather pointless.
I can only see one failing... consistent and much of that is for historical reasons and the mirroring of C based library functions. All turing complete languages are predictable by definition. PHP is certainly concise compared to many languages. Reliability is dependent on the skill level of the developer. Debuggable is certainly possible, although perhaps more difficult than some languages. Screen prints, log prints, and xdebug generally make the process simple enough.
I have been doing a lot of debugging PHP in my time, and I know how it works. That doesn't change the fact that it is rather annoying and a tedious process compared to other languages. I also like that other languages *tell* you stuff, rather than having to know all these small quirks in a language; this create language overhead, meaning a programmer needs to contain a lot of information readily available when programming.
And for what? So I can save 10 minutes when setting up, but enduring 6 months of torture? Yeah, I think I'll pass.
PHP wasn't chosen for MediaWiki because it was the language the development team (at least the current) liked the best; but because the first developer on MediaWiki chose it. And that's that.