"DF" == Daniel Friesen lists@nadir-seen-fire.com writes:
DF> That code is a mess... I would suggest not depending on the exact order and DF> equality of class strings, it's possible that future code changes DF> may add new classes or change the order of those.
OK, here is what I reduced it to. Note I totally depend on the var_dumps to see what is coming my way, so perhaps you could tighten/loosen up my code to make it more future-proof. Thanks.
function JidanniLessRedNavigation($sktemplate,$links){ // var_dump('BEFORE',$links); if(!$sktemplate->mTitle->quickUserCan('createtalk')){ foreach(array_keys($links['namespaces']) as $ns){ if(strpos($ns,'talk')!==false){ if('new'==$links['namespaces'][$ns]['class']){ unset($links['namespaces'][$ns]);}}}} if(isset($links['namespaces']['category']['class'])&& 'selected new'==$links['namespaces']['category']['class']){ $links['namespaces']['category']['class']='selected';} // var_dump('AFTER',$links); return true;} $wgHooks['SkinTemplateNavigation'][]='JidanniLessRedNavigation';