On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 1:11 PM, Ryan Kaldari rkaldari@wikimedia.org wrote:
Well, it still seems to be in place on truck, which is why I'm getting CSS bug reports. Can someone revert it on trunk as well?
The brief discussion of the CSS rendering-mode issue on Mediawiki.org seems to be nicely wrapped up by Simetrical: "I don't think there's any better transition plan than just breaking it." Is this really the best plan we can come up with? In case you didn't know, the Foundation actually has paid front-end developers now (like Brandon and myself). If our EMPs are informed of the issue ahead of time, we could actually fix the CSS problems before you guys break the site rather than after, but I guess that's a pretty novel idea :P
Ryan Kaldari
I think running trunk on HTML5 is correct, We want to upgrade so by trunk we are doing that and yes it will break stuff, but people should expect that when running svn trunk on any install (It's one of the many reasons we don't recommend people installing it on production sites).
In hindsite, probably changing it on trunk should of probably got a tad more discussion (although I havn't looked for the revision where this occured to see what the CR discussion/comments are like), but it's only trunk (where stuff is ment to break), where as changing it in a release should really be where the discussion starts. As well that, our testing playground (Translatewiki) is apprently already running it so we can find these breakages.