Unicode support in PHP is also lacking, you can't safe a PHP-Script as UTF-8 or even UTF-16. But a programming language more or less does not even need to support, as unicode is designed to be compatible to older charsets. You can also handle strings as binary data, no problem then.
For PHP there is also a multibyte extension and there are some functions available which allow you to converts ISo-8859-X and UTF-8 (for XML support e.g.). I don't know how far mediawiki makes use of such features, as it uses UTF-8 only i guess - which is compatible and therefore there is no need for PHP to be "compliant" or something like that.
Carlos schrieb:
henna wrote:
On 7/28/06, Carlos angus@quovadis.com.ar wrote:
Tels wrote:
I don't know much about Ruby, except that I heard Unicode support is really lacking. Which pretty much rules it out for anything serious text processing in this age :-D
Does MediaWiki do "anything serious text processing"?
In case you didn't know, mediawiki works with several non-english language, which are more or less impossible to support unless your programming language understands Unicode.
And how is it possible now?
Tip: investigate before answering (search for 'xc0' in the code tree).