I've sent you an email off-list with some of the more obvious ones (I hope ;-)
Thank you!
and a suggestion for making it easier to use.
I've added more conceptual groupings where they seemed to make sense.
The updated image, with more conceptual groupings, less overlapping lines, no lines going over boxes, and clearer fonts is at: http://files.nickj.org/MediaWiki/mediawiki-includes-rough-class-map-v2.0.png (approx 900 Kb ; for some reason I cannot open this image in Firefox though, possibly because it's so wide, but I can load it in an external viewer).
Any comments / suggestions / feedback welcome (assuming you can open the picture!)
Any descriptions for classes in yellow welcome (these classes don't currently have descriptions).
Also any thoughts on moving classes out of the "Undefined" group, and into an existing group or a new group are also welcome.
For the sake of getting more eyes on it I'll repeat that suggestion here: do you have a DOT file with the graph specs, because you can quite easily make a really nice graph from that over at WikiSophia.
I've added generation of DOT files today. The DOT file for the above image is at: http://files.nickj.org/MediaWiki/mediawiki-includes-rough-class-map-v2.dot (approx 100 Kb).
Does anyone know if there some way to make the resulting image squarer (i.e. not so very wide) ? (i.e. some kind of DOT command to change the layout mode?)
-- All the best, Nick.