On 03/26/2013 09:27 AM, Greg Grossmeier wrote:
<quote name="Ċ½eljko Filipin" date="2013-03-26" time="12:28:20 +0100"> > > For those that think a picture is worth a thousand words I have attached a > few charts generated by google docs.
These would be useful, in a general way, to have autogenerated each week/month/quarter.
Yes, that is the idea behind http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Community_metrics (still manual)
I just need to find some time to define what metrics do we want to automate and then find some way / someone to implement them.
Your feedback about what metrics do you need and why is welcome in the talk page.
Some event-specific ones would be neat, too; I remember Ubuntu Bug Days having a time-bounded chart for the event day showing the impact it had on bug numbers (it surprisingly usually did, even with their massive bug databases in LP).
We are discussing how to measure the success of bug days at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Talk:QA/Strategy and your feedback is also welcome!