Hi friends,
Got an opportunity to attend the mediawiki hackathon 2017 at vienna, austria on May 19,21 and 22.
Here are my notes on the event.
Day 1 - https://goinggnu.wordpress.com/2017/05/20/notes-mediawiki-hackathon-2017-vie...
Day 2 - https://goinggnu.wordpress.com/2017/05/21/notes-mediawiki-hackathon-2017-day...
Day 3 - https://goinggnu.wordpress.com/2017/05/22/notes-mediawiki-hackathon-2017-day...
Our team created a connector for Lingue-Libre, a web based audio recording tool. Now we can open browser, read a word loudly. It will be recorded, uploaded to commons, linked to relevant wiktionary page.
Here is the code - https://github.com/wiese/Lingua-Libre/tree/python-backend
Here is a video demo in English - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8pwCC9MqGA&feature=youtu.be
Will fix few issues and host it on a server soon. Till then try installing in your local computers and try it out.