Am Freitag, 20. Oktober 2006 19:25 schrieb Sherool:
Could we please get the feature eluded to here: turned on for the English Wikipedia (and probably the rest of the projects too)? At least one vandal seems to have spesialised in spamming people with passwod reminders (he must have a bot), and growing number of people have been complaining about it. After replying to some threads about it on the admin noticeboard on enWiki I seem to have incured the "wrath" of this individual as well since I found 112 password reminders in my mailbox today.
Sure they are easy to filter out, but we can't let spammers have free reign like this. If there is such a "throttle" feature it needs to be activated ASAP (how many times a day does the average user forget his password?). If nothing else all these mails are a unnessesary strain on our mail system. Pluss some users have "threatened" to report it to SpamCop and such, and we don't want our mailserver blacklisted now do we?
wouldn't the whole problem be avoided it the user had to fill in his e-mail-address (which he hopefully hasn't forgot...) when asking for the password reminding email?