On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 9:35 PM, John McClure jmcclure@hypergrove.comwrote:
I am wondering if interwikis can be be more powerfully leveraged.
For instance, I'd like much to say ZZZ:my_ns:my_page to indicate a page in a particular subset of pages within a namespace in my wiki. Ultiimately an ACL can be associated with each interwiki descriptor.
Interwiki links don't know the namespace structure of a foreign site's pages, so all the system knows is the interwiki prefix (eg 'wb:') and the rest (eg 'fr:Discussion:Foobar'). The target site then has the responsibility for resolving the link target (which as above might actually be yet another interwiki link pointing to a wiki in another language, which *then* resolves the actual namespace and title).
And although I haven't tested this, does anyone know if a 'local' interwiki link (one mapped to the local wiki) is *supposed to* resolve to the local wiki?
By definition yes, but you need to tell the system that by setting $wgLocalInterwiki to that prefix, or it'll still act, format, etc as a foreign interwiki link and can't detect a self-reference. (If you have multiple aliases, right now I think you can only pick one as the local form.)
-- brion