Thank you very much Aryeh and Platonides.
I think for now I will just lurk around, and than once there is something where I think I might want to take a stab at it, I'll go for it. Hopefully a database won't explode.
On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 5:06 PM, Platonides wrote:
David Breneisen wrote:
Ahoy there,
My name is David Breneisen. I was referred here by James Alexander. I'm
Comp. Sci. student at George Washington
University and have had an interest in open education web development for the last few years. I thought that I might be able to offer technical services for the Wikiversity development/maintenance while getting some experience working on larger, "real," projects.
I also hope to see if it is possible to do a more formal summer
after this school year with Wikimedia, and thought it
would be nice to get used to the overall manner in which Wikimedia design/development goes.
Regards, David Breneisen
Hello David, You can come to #mediawiki at freenode to talk with us. Download mediawiki and take a look at it (the svn version, the last release is is old by this time
If you see something that from your Wikiversity experience should be fixed in the software, I'd recommend you to go for it and submit a patch in our bugzilla You could also try to implement something easy from there but a) You're probably not so motivated. b) The easy ones are likely picked and solved. The hard ones are those who last.
And if you have any doubt, just ask. "Is this reasonable?" "Will a database explode if I perform whis query which joins eight tables and uses no index?" :)
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