Hi, about FOSDEM -- Europe's biggest free software conference:
31 January & 1 February 2015 in Brussels https://fosdem.org/2015/
The first deadline actually passed: devrooms. Last year we had a Wikis devroom organized together with XWiki and TikiWiki. It was not bad at all but I'm not sure whether we should put our effort there. Rather, we could try to get more Wikimedia / MediaWiki sessions in the main track and other devrooms, where we have more chances to interact with other communities we rely on.
The deadline to present main track proposals is October 1. If you have a topic wide interest, don't miss this one. https://fosdem.org/2015/news/2014-07-01-call-for-participation/
The deadline for lightning talks and stands is November 20. You can work on your lightning talk proposals, I will try to help Wikimedia Belgium and the Wikimedia Shop in a joint venture that should bring a great Wikimedia stand to an event with thousands of free culture & free software merchandise lovers. https://fosdem.org/2015/news/2014-09-19-call-for-participation-part-two/
Who is planning to attend? Anybody willing to create the wiki page?