"Timwi" timwi@gmx.net wrote in message news:dkq22f$e7q$2@sea.gmane.org... [me originally, then I think Tim Starling]
The symptoms so far include showing the Google/Yahoo boxes and an odd error message indicating some sort of bad return from an IP in the [10.*.*.*] range. My IP knowledge is rusty: is that a private range?
At the moment, we have three search servers: maurus (, vincent ( and coronelli (
I managed to capture one: it was "vincent" * Internal error: no valid response from search server (
Do we have to expose this detail to non-technical users? The above user clearly knew a fair bit about IPs, and the message was still meaningless to them; imagine what an average non-technical user might think.
You flatter me, for which thank you, but you're reasonably correct. If we're going to expose messages like that to naive users, they should be bracketed with a warning, and possibly some idea of someone to inform of the problem.