jidanni@jidanni.org (2011-08-23 01:56):
"DF" == Daniel Friesenlists@nadir-seen-fire.com writes: DF> For something like this where users are going to want to be able to drag DF> and reorganize things do we have to do this in a slow way that works DF> without JS?
Yes you do. You need to offer an alternate way for one to configure their many wikis via batch configuration files, as they are not going to do each one by hand in some browser.
You could probably add JSON input. This could be achived by adding a textarea input to which one could simply copy&paste some data and which would normally be changed with JS. So when JS would be available you could simply hide the input.
I'd like to see any comments or requirements people have of an interface/system for editing the sidebar.
* Show in which languages each menu item is available and allow one to quickly add more language versions. * Show current user language by default and allow to view other version (e.g. in tooltip). * Move items or branches (whole submenu) up or down and between branches. * Allow users to compose their own menu and save it in their preferences. * Allow adding JS calls to each item (preferably with a fallback page - when JS is not available). * Ability to change position of special menus (e.g. languages and toolbox). * Each submenu should have "defaults to visible" true/false attribute (e.g. languages are visible by default when no cookie is set). * Each menu item should have a changeable id attribute e.g. "p-lang" for language menu. This should probably only be available in some advanced mode (as changing id would break some existing scripts). * Ability to add/change access keys for items (also probably in advanced mode).
Cheers, Nux.