On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 6:14 AM, Max Semenik maxsem.wiki@gmail.com wrote:
Chaining could be surprizingly clear, albeit verbose. Much better anyway than the insanity we currently use:
- wfMsg - mostly clear what it does
Usually ;-)
- wfMsgNoTrans - ehm...
All of the *NoTrans mean "don't parse it."
- wfMsgForContent - what, what else do we use 'em for? Interface?
Okay, I'll use wfMsgForInterface next time.
No, we don't use it for interface elements (that's usually wfMsg()). It's used for things that end up *in* the content. Or stuff that gets heavily cached. "For content" means "in the content language"
- wfMsgForContentNoTrans - ouch, my eyes!
- wfMsgNoDB
- wfMsgNoDBForContent
- wfMsgReal
- wfMsgWeirdKey - omg
Both of these should become creepy internal methods for Message/Msg that should never be exposed to the public. You almost always don't need them.
- wfMsgHtml - probably clear what it does, but one'll have to guess
some details
I think this one is probably the most unclear to new developers.
- wfMsgWikiHtml - absolutely unclear
- wfMsgExt - grrrrr
The last one is my favorite because it's the most versatile. I would really hate to see its functionality disappear in a refactor.
(Just explaining all of these to people who might not know how they all work)