Yep avatars are not yet enabled, but we have implemented the backend to support it. Changes that are left to merge
What do you mean by "URLs are hard to get right due to arcane escaping rules. I have been completely unable to make search shortcuts that work in both the old and new UI."? Upstream have fixed some urls that were breaking when switching to the old ui. These fixes are on the master branch. "Probably not a UI thing, but it's very annoying that patch uploaders cannot edit the description of their own patch (the gerrit patchset description, not the commit summary)" Filled upstream at
"* For me the most unintuitive part is the relation chain, especially when it is nonlinear. A graph view would be handy there, and also making it more explicit what is the parent and what is the child." Filed upstream at
On Thursday, 4 October 2018, 19:15:32 BST, Gergo Tisza wrote:
Thanks for your work on Gerrit, Paladox! The Polygerrit upgrade looks great; the thread view is especially amazing. (If you are not familiar with it, check this patch [1] and click "Comment Threads" near the bottom of the screen.) I mostly have behavior issues (on; I haven't tested whether they affect 2.16):* URLs are hard to get right due to arcane escaping rules. I have been completely unable to make search shortcuts that work in both the old and new UI.* Almost impossible to find clone URLs. (T206049, but also in the old UI I could click through from the patch to the to the repo admin screen and that's also impossible to find now. I see it's slightly easier in 2.16 but still annoying.)* For me the most unintuitive part is the relation chain, especially when it is nonlinear. A graph view would be handy there, and also making it more explicit what is the parent and what is the child.* Probably not a UI thing, but it's very annoying that patch uploaders cannot edit the description of their own patch (the gerrit patchset description, not the commit summary). On the plus side,* Avatars are really nice and make the whole experience more human. (They are not enabled on the Wikimedia Gerrit yet, right?)* At some point search autocomplete switched from prefix-autocompletion to substring-autocompletion (e.g. for project names). That sounds like a small thing but it really made life a lot more convenient. [1]