Ok Brion,
Here is a more complete question.
I have attempted to setup SVG to PNG rendering and it does not seem to work on 1.7.1. I checked the Defaults file in includes and I have verified rsvg is properly installed. I have also enabled the DebugLogFile option and attempted to run a trace the results indicate this section of code is not even activating as there are no messages being output to indicate that the RSVG section of code is even becoming active during rendering. The mine/type detection does appear to work in that SVG images are in fact detected. This would indicate an underlying problem in either te FC5 base I am using or the MediaWiki 1.7.1 code.
I have not found any other posts relative to 1.7.1 to indicate what fixes or problems exist for these cases. Is this a known problem in MediaWiki 1.7.1 and is it simply the intention of requiring SVG rendering in the browsers themselves by default?