On Sun, 2003-04-06 at 07:02, Daniel Mayer wrote:
Could all the mailing lists work just fine on a separate cheapo AMD K6-II 500 MHZ Linux box with two 4 gig hard drives, 256MB of SDRAM and a couple network cards? If so, I hereby donate such a dinosaur to serve as a mail server
Yes, that would be more than enough to host the mail (and perhaps the backup dumps?). Best talk to Jimbo and Jason about transporting and setting up hardware.
As Lee has suggested, it might also be good to have some stuff at a separate provider in case the hosting is knocked out altogether.
Not being able to talk to each other as a group during a crash like this isn't exactly an optimal way to run a project the size of Wiki(p/m)edia.
What, you didn't enjoy your nice relaxing 22-hour break from routine? :)
-- brion vibber (brion @ pobox.com)