Michael Daly escreveu:
Ashar Voultoiz wrote:
As for DB2, the last time I heard about it, it was clearly not for a webapp. It was used on IBM z/OS which run on the IBM Mainframe. The kind of "servers" which have decade uptime and hold your bank account (and other interesting things).
I've developed DB2 apps on Windows platforms long ago. It's been a multi-platform product since way back when, so I don't know where you got the idea that DB2 is a mainframe-only product. There are versions for Windows, Linux, Unix and other OSes.
I could see a number of companies wanting to use DB2 just as others would want to use MS SQL Server, Oracle or other DB products.
Yes, DB2 is a multi-platform product. Also, there is a free version you can download for your personal use. It is a robust database product running in Unix or Linux (including Linux in Mainframe) and it is much more robust and reliable if running in a z/OS. Today mainframes are running web sites supporting the very big load peek of transactions that occurs frequently.
I think of an environment where we would have MediaWiki running in a Linux in a mainframe partition connected to a DB2 running in z/OS in another partition at the same mainframe. The connection would be done through the use of a hypersocket (virtual LAN) that in reality transfers memory to memory.
I have no problems with mySQL of Oracle or any other database. I like mySQL very much and use it a lot. But I think, as I told before, that MediaWiki could have more alternatives of choice for database. This could be good for more enterprise use of MediaWiki.
Esthon. (BTW, I work for IBM, but my work here is personal).