On Monday, May 23, 2016, Tyler Romeo tylerromeo@gmail.com wrote:
First, as I expected, this proposal is to use CSP wit the "unsafe-eval" option enabled for both style-src and script-src. This means the
eval() function can be used freely, and inline CSS via the style attribute can still be used. Combined with the "default-src *" policy, which I mention later in this email, this means an attacker can just use XHR to download an external script and eval() it, thus defeating the entire point of CSP: to prevent XSS attacks.
I understand the reason behind this is because we store scripts in localStorage as cache and eval() them upon page load (which is perhaps the worst abuse of browser technology I have ever seen). Not allowing both inline scripts and styles and eval()ed code is one half of the two-sided CSP coin, and eliminating it keeps open a pretty large attack vector. I don't believe it's appropriate to sacrifice security for a quick kludge that is used to improve the performance hole opened by the large fragmentation of our JavaScript codebase.
Yes, unsafe-eval in scripts is for the localStorage hack. Unsafe-eval in styles is because there is a limit to how much of the world i can reasonably expect to break (I suppose for style we could in theory dynamically gather all the inline styles up, put them in a rl module and make them non-inline. Sounds kind of complex though. Maybe something to think about later down the line).
In regards to the XHR attack - my understanding is, if the user already has the ability to execute javascript, all is pretty much lost. Even if script-src is super restricted, (which is pretty unfeasible if we still want to allow user scripts) provided the script can load user controlled data, presumably the attacker could just reimplement a js interpreter in js. The only situation i see it helping is if the attack vector is length limitted.
The way I see it - the main benefit of not allowing eval would be to prevent users doing silly things with it (or for that matter prevent libraries like jquery.ui.datepicker from doing silly things)
For unsafe-inline in style - i was under the impression (which may be wrong) that the main benefits for banning were to: * prevent data exfiltration (via background-image: etc, unclosed stuff in <style>, etc) *prevent manipulating the ui in confusing ways as part of a phising there are other ways an attacker can do the former, and the latter can partially already be accomplished in wikitext.
So Its a non-ideal compromise. But i think the benefits of restricting this do not match the costs, especially at this point. I would rather get the main gist of csp implemented and then revisit this.
Second, the proposal is to use the nonce-$RANDOM attribute for inline scripts, but to cache the nonce for non-logged-in users. Does this mean that the same nonce will be delivered to multiple pages and/or users? Because that is a violation of the CSP spec, which says "If a server delivers a nonce-source expression as part of a police, the server MUST generate a unique value each time it transmits a policy." [0] Thus we cannot use nonces in this way. Are these scripts whose contents we know beforehand? Because then we can just use the hash-source policy.
Yes. Some anons will get cached CSP nonce's. This is obviously non ideal (and a technical violation of the spec). The justification for this: * logged in users are more valuable targets then logged out, so it fits to give them better protection * the benefit of restricting inline event handlers still applies (a surprising portion of xss attacks we see dont allow for html, but just unsafe attributes) * Most XSS attacks we see are stored xss. Anytime the page is edited the nonce changes. So now the attacker is left only with DOM xss. For DOM XSS quite often (not always) they end up involving inserting some inline event handler with innerHTML, so this might still break many of the vulnerable scripts anyways.
The reason i didnt propose nonce-hash is the (already bordering on too long) header, really becomes unreasonably long. I feel like it would be a very hard sell to propose such a long header.
Again this is non-ideal, in fact much more so then the first paragraph. Its a compromise to make the main gist of of CSP work in the context of the way MW is built.
(Not to mention that nonce-source and hash-source policies are part of CSP 2, which is not supported in the latest IE, Safari, or Opera Mini. What is the plan to support these browsers? Fall back to unsafe-inline? Possibly use a solution similar to what Dropbox used for their CSP deployment [1].)
Yeah, these browsers sadly dont get protection.
The meta hack is a cool idea (also might be helpful in the anon user case mentioned above with shared nonces)
Finally, as stage 1 hints at and as I mentioned above, there are a lot
than just style-src and script-src, such as font-src, media-src,
manifest-src, etc. Why are these not addressed, and instead just left to the default policy of "default-src *"? Do we allow iframes on Wikipedia pointing at arbitrary domains? At the very least, a scheme-source policy can be used to enforce HTTPS.
I talk a little about that near the end of the document. I agree its useful to prevent privacy violations/data exfiltration.
Thanks, --bawolff