Dan100 wrote in gmane.science.linguistics.wikipedia.technical:
Can I ask that developers use LiveJournal - http://www.livejournal.com/community/wikitech/ - to keep people informed about problems on the Wikimedia servers and what's being tried to fix it.
I was under the impression that we were all incompetent and had no idea how the site works. What possible information could we provide to other people apart from meaningless rambling about our wild guesses and fumbling around in the dark that somehow, by chance create a vague resemblance to an almost-working website?
Or more to the point, why should I waste my time writing up status reports and trying to let you know what's going on when you have nothing better to do than throw it back in my face peppered with utterly uninformed and unhelpful remarks about how worthless I am and how we should all be fired, and without so much as lifting a finger to try to help? You have no right to ask us to do anything at all, or talk about what you "need".
I created the wikitech LJ to try to let people know what we are doing, and maybe even to let them offer some suggestions on how to help. I understand that a broken site is frustrating; we've all been there, WP is hardly the first unreliable service ever created. If I can offer some insight into why it's like that, maybe it helps people to understand. But if all you're going to do is read it and offer snide remarks, why should I bother? I don't recall ever seeing you idle in #mediawiki, let alone try to offer any ideas about what we're doing so wrongly. Maybe we should just let the site rot and see how much better it works.
I don't want sympathy or "oh well, they aren't getting paid for it." Obviously not paying doesn't magically make something good. But when you have no clue at all about what's actually going on to keep the site running, you have no room to lay blame about where the problem is.