Yes, AFAIK every wiki uses the name "HtmlBuilder". When bug 62982 is resolved, it will be easy to go on a random wiki, search the string "HtmlBuilder" in all modules (ns-828), and make some semi-automated replacements as I did here However, since most of the transclusions come from other modules imported from the English Wikipedia, it will be wiser to wait for the original modules to be updated, and then simply re-import them on the 'small' wikis. (Waiting for bug 50329!)
Il 07/06/2014 01:43, MZMcBride ha scritto:
Thank you for starting this thread. In my experience, it's more helpful to give people an actionable list of places where they can help. This also establishes a clear goal, which people often respond better to. Assuming every wiki uses the name "HtmlBuilder", it shouldn't be too difficult to iterate through the Wikimedia wikis to find wikis where this module still has transclusions. This should provide a useful list of places for people to help out, at which point the magical wiki process can take over. :-)