Cc added: the list admin.
On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 12:55 AM, MZMcBride wrote:
It sounds so perfect: you can post your snarky comments to the mailing list without having to really be subscribed. Just use this handy form!
It turns out that Gmane has two rigid limits in its posting form: (1) lines can't be longer than 80 characters and (2) you can't have "too much" quoted material in your reply. These aren't warnings, mind you, they're imposed limits that prevent the mail from being submitted.
Yes, I also use Gmane sometimes and find these rules very annoying.
And it now appears that it also mangles subject lines containing quotation marks.
Yes, I've seen that bug too, though never reported it. You should report it to if nobody else has ever reported it.
A bigger problem is that wikitech-l seemed to silently discard my posts made through Gmane until I subscribed. IIRC someone said this is because they receive such a huge volume of spam.
But it would be much nicer if they sent me back the standard Mailman-generated rejection message instead of just silently discarding my message. That way I would have some instant feedback on why my message never made it to the list.