On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 1:36 PM, Juliano F. Ravasi ml@juliano.info wrote:
Ironically, the per-file revision control model employed by now-obsolescent VCSes like CVS and RCS would fit Wikipedia better than Git (emphasis on revision control *model*, not software).
...because RCS tracks one file at a time while git tracks whole trees, as you point out. However git's shortcomings when used for a wiki could also be used by having a separate repository for each article. You wouldn't get many of the more interesting git features, and couldn't do `git pull' to update the whole wiki. But it would be interesting to compare one-git/mercurial/whatever-repo-per-article to one-rcs-file-per-article or the current one-article-history-per-article MediaWiki tracks in its database.