I have tidy installed and this in LocalSettings.php -- it makes no difference.
$wgUseTidy = true; $wgAlwaysUseTidy = true; $wgTidyConf = $IP.'/includes/tidy.conf';
On 1/1/08, MinuteElectron minuteelectron@googlemail.com wrote:
Yousef Ourabi wrote:
Thanks for the info and the link. The header mentions that the Apache
is always up to date, but is the "Common Settings.php" file up to date: "http://noc.wikimedia.org/conf/CommonSettings.php.html "
I'm setting up a local mirror on my desktop and I've got math and
working however there are problems with hierogliphic pages and the Template:Navbox tags (see attached images).
Trying to figure out where I went wrong and what extension I need to
to get the same presentation as wikipedia.
http://yousefourabi.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/hiero.png http://yousefourabi.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/navbox.png
Have you installed HTMLTidy and enabled it within MediaWiki, it is an essential ingredient in most of the even slightly advanced templates as it allows mixing of wikitext and HTML tables (as well as a variety of other things)?
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