First of all i would apologize if this question is not related to this community.
I am trying to run the following query on the Wikipedia data and this query is running for the last 36 hours now. Can anyone please tell me is this normal time for such queries on Wikipedia data?
Another questions is: Do we have some service where we can query offline wikipedia data and get our desired results?
select rev_page, rev_user, rev_user_text, count(rev_user) from revision where rev_user IN ( select r1.rev_user from revision r1, revision r2 where r1.rev_user <> r2.rev_user and r1.rev_user <> 0 and r2.rev_user <> 0 and r1.rev_page = r2.rev_page group by r1.rev_user ) group by rev_user order by rev_page, rev_user;