Helder Geovane Gomes de Lima wrote:
Currently, when an editor create at some wikiproject an interwiki link using [[Lang:Project:Page|Text]] the readers get a link to a "Page" of "Project" (in the "Lang" language) and "Text" is shown in the link. Besides this:
- The "title" attribute of the <a> element is equals to (something
not very intuitive for readers): [[Lang:Project:Page]].
- If "Text" is equals to "Page", and we want/need to show only the
"Page" text, it is needed to use [[Lang:Project:Page|Page]] (although for local links [[A very long page name|A very long page name]] can be abbreviated to [[A very long page name]])
- When the target page doesn't exists, the reader go to a page
showing the system message "MediaWiki:Noarticletext".
I have some considerations:
- What if the title attribute could be something more descriptive
like "Search at Project (in Lang) for pages related to 'Page'"? The exact text could be translated for each language (or accordingly to the target project), in such way that "Page", the real name of "Project" (Wikipedia instead of "w", etc...) and the real name of "Language" could be variables $1, $2, etc...;
- For example, if in a page of a wikibook we need to use various
links to wiktionary and Wikinews, we would have to duplicate the total size of each link (the number of characters to be typed) just to have only the "Page" text shown. This is also bad for summaries, where we can not use a long text. Perhaps another _short_ syntax could be used to get "Page" instead of "Lang:Project:Page" without having to type (the possible very long) "Page" two times (maybe the prefixed colon [[:Lang:Project:Page]]?), in order to facilitate the integration between the content of the projects;
Seems you don't know the pipe trick. Type [[Lang:Project:Page|]] and it will be automatically expanded to [[Lang:Project:Page|Page]] on save.