On Thu, 2003-04-10 at 17:28, Youandme wrote:
I know that this issue is like a yo-yo, but maybe there's something more that admins can do. Somebody at Polish Wikipedia, looking for wibrator site:org in Google, found this: pl.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=Wibrator&action=edit And this is not the way we want to welcome newcomers, right?
I would *love* it if anyone knows how to fix this and can tell us how to do so.
These pages are already forbidden by robots.txt and by meta tags in the pages themselves. Either google is turning them up despite this information, or it's somehow indexed them at inopportune moments (like server being down) and includes them in results despite having gotten a no response / 403 / 404.
Should I e-mail google about it?
BTW, why don't we put just
Disallow: /wiki/Specjalna:
Not a bad idea, I suppose. (And yes, those ought to be localized.) I have the vague memory that people wanted things like recentchanges to be indexable, but I'm not sure it matters much.
-- brion vibber (brion @ pobox.com)