Moving this to a separate thread for discussion.
On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 5:14 PM, Chris Steipp wrote:
Yeah, but I *think* that one can be solved without affecting editors..
Just to go over ResourceLoader first, right now the main inline JS we have is the load information for mw.config and mw.user.options, and then some bootstrap code (one at the beginning and one at the end of the file).
The main problem is that many of these things are determined during the page request. We'd have to figure out how to move them to an independent JS file while preserving whatever the values are supposed to be.
Building something to let them style, but in a way that inline css isn't
allowed by the CSP is something I haven't figured out yet.
Here's really the only thing I can think of: whenever the parser encounters inline styling, remove the styling and add an id attribute to the element if it doesn't already exist. Then have the client load something along the lines of /load.php?page=Main page, or something like that, which will instead extract that CSS and assign it to the associated ids. The main issue would be making sure that the method in which element ids are generated is deterministic so that they match up on the page and in the CSS file.
*-- * *Tyler Romeo* Stevens Institute of Technology, Class of 2016 Major in Computer Science |