Hi there,
I'd like to use MediaWiki as a storage for some kind of items, which doesn't have "natural" titles (just like bugs in Bugzilla). So I'd like to allow user to create new article without specifying the title and I want the system to generate the unique title by itself. The best solution I see here is to use consequent numbers in particular namespace -- e.g. when user clicks "Add item" the system allows he or she to fill in some form (with textareas and other input fields) then creates an article containing the data from this form (by template) and a title like "Items:1234" (assuming we already have "Items:1233").
Is it possible to implement such a feature as an extension?
Actually, I see that it can be done using external script which communicate with MediaWiki via API, but I'm not sure it'll be reliable in sense of collisions (e.g. if two users click "Submit" almost simultaneously, they can both obtain the same ID for their articles and data will be lost or editing conflict occurs).