Gerard Meijssen wrote:
Hoi, With the realisisation that this is also a problem that prevents Neapolitan from being written as it is standard practiced, the Neapolitan language uses '' in its language. The result of the MediaWiki practice of using the ' in bold and italic breaks functionality in the first place. Given that it is also a problem in the parser itself, maybe a good reason to ditch this abomination. Thanks, GerardM
I was wondering... would it be possible for nap: users to enter "smart-quotes", namely ’’ or ’’? The advantage of this character over ' is that you can represent it in plain text (no HTML code), even in Category tags and page titles. It also looks nicer if you have a good font. You could, of course, add ’ to a <charinsert> tag in [[MediaWiki:Edittools]] to make this character easier to insert.