On 21/09/10 23:03, Max Semenik wrote: <snip>
The only viable technical method of feature freeze is branching, otherwise you'll have to come up with messages like "Okay, I declare a feature freeze. Whomever commits a new feature to trunk whill have their fingers smashed with a hammer." Not very practical.
That is actually the aim. The frozen date can be seen as a dead line, a day by wich you must have something 'ready to show'. If it is not ready, you have missed the deadline and the feature will made it in the next release. Keep the feature in your branch.
The freeze itself might just last a couple weeks.
Some developers don't read wikitech-l, some are weeks behind on reading their mails.
Should they keep commit right to trunk ? Maybe some patches could just be sent by emails for review. I personally found it hard to commit anything without being on IRC or I will occasionaly face a silent revert.