i try to install mediawiki, it fails with the following error messages: --------------- MediaWiki 1.3.9 installation
Please include all of the lines below when reporting installation problems. Checking environment...
Warning: set_time_limit(): Cannot set time limit in safe mode in /mnt/kw1/02/103/00000015/htdocs/install-utils.inc on line 27 * PHP 4.3.9: ok * Warning: PHP's safe mode is active! You will likely have problems caused by this. You may need to make the 'images' subdirectory writable or specify a TMP environment variable pointing to a writable temporary directory owned by you, since safe mode breaks the system temporary directory. * PHP server API is cgi; using ugly URLs (index.php?title=Page_Title) * Have XML / Latin1-UTF-8 conversion support. * PHP's memory_limit is 8M. If this is too low, installation may fail! Attempting to raise limit to 20M... failed. * Have zlib support; enabling output compression. * Found GD graphics library built-in, image thumbnailing will be enabled if you enable uploads. * Installation directory: /mnt/kw1/02/103/00000015/htdocs * Script URI path: /werkbankdeutschland.de Warning: $wgProxyKey is insecure --------------------- can anybody help me what to do?
thank you in advance, florian (from munich, germany)