Kevin Carillo[1] from University of Wellington is going to research "Newcomer experience and contributor behavior in FOSS communities[2] So far Debian, GNOME, Gentoo, KDE, Mozilla, Ubuntu, NetBSD, OpenSUSE will be taken into account, and FreeBSD recently joined[3] and there is still some possibility for other large FOSS projects to join.
I think it could fit nicely into our recent efforts directed at newcomer experience after Git migration. And MediaWiki is a bit different than above projects.
Are we interested to include MediaWiki in that research?
As Kevin explains in his post he tried to avoid spamming mailing lists to look for project interested, so I am doing this for him :-)
[1] http://kevincarillo.org/about/, http://twitter.com/kevouze [2] http://kevincarillo.org/survey-invitation/ [3] http://kevincarillo.org/2012/11/15/welcome-freebsd/