* Jan Luca jan@jans-seite.de [Sun, 30 Aug 2009 14:35:00 +0200]:
you must use your private key and not a "password".
Hello, Jan! I've been asking about this problem in IRC. I've been suggested debug using ssh-l questpc -vvv svn.wikimedia.org . It the debug log (-vvv) it says the order is publickey, then password. It tires the password only because publickey fails. Switched to old key pair, but no luck. I'll try to figure out by myself. Until that, I am just re-submitting the request with new public key.
For Linux: Run ssh-add /path/to/your/private/key/file
I use linux in this case. My mistake probably was that the first (old) keys were generated by "trial-and-error" studying ssh options, only at the second attempt I've processed according to FAQ:
BTW, they say that authorization should work without setting up nohup ssh-agent -s > ~/.ssh-agent and using ssh-add.
ssh-agent and ssh-add are only the handy way to cache your passphrase: "To reduce the frequency with which the key passphrase must be typed in, setup a ssh-agent(1) daemon to hold the private portion of the RSA key pair for the duration of a session. There are several ways to run and manage ssh-agent, for example from a X11 login script or with a utility like Keychain. These notes rely on the setup of ssh-agent via an @reboot crontab(5) entry, along with appropriate shell configuration." Dmitriy