Ashar Voultoiz wrote:
I have made some profiling loading my mediawiki main page ( ) wich use phptal monobook skin and is set to use the french language. For profilling I used "Advanced php profiler".
CPU: 1/ looks like languagefr->ucfirst use about 20% of the total script time for the sole purpose of uppercasing the first char of a given string by calling strtr(). Maybe the strings could be declared as utf-8 and a php function like uppercase() called instead ? I think Tim Starling looked a bit at this.
2/ wfprofileout use 5% although it's an empty function. Using single quote instead of double seems to have improved it a bit :)
3/ do_html_entity_decode use close to 4% maybe it could be replaced by the php function html_entity_decode() that looks to make the same task (php >= 4.3.0)
I profiled a bit with language set to en and the page: With profiling disable the wfprofileout and wfprofilein functions still use about 7% of cpu time. Although they don't use a lot of cpu time, both are called about 800 times.