-----Original Message----- From: wikitech-l-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org [mailto:wikitech-l-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org] On Behalf Of Dmitriy Sintsov Sent: 25 September 2009 11:09 To: Wikimedia developers Subject: Re: [Wikitech-l] Proposal for editing template calls within pages
- Jared Williams jared.williams1@ntlworld.com [Fri, 25 Sep 2009
10:49:54 +0100]:
The problem is the ambiguity with italics, (''italics''). So the current parser doesn't really make its final decision on
what should
be bold or what should be italic until it hits a newline.
If there are
an even number of both bold and italics then it assumes it
the line correctly.
However if there is an uneven number of bold & italic, it starts searching for where it could have misinterpreted something.
Shouldn't these cases be considered a syntax error? How much is common to wikipedia to have uneven numbers of occurences of that? Is there any use for that (weird templates)?
I think this is part of what makes wikitext undescribable
in a formal
Let's assume an odd occurence of ''' will be converted to wmf:bold and an even occurence ''' to </wmf:bold> (begin/end of the node)? Non-paired occurence will simply cause XML parsing error - there should not be uneven number of '' or '''. Dmitriy
Problem is quotes are also valid as part of the textual content, so could not italics immediately before or after an apostrophe. As in
L'''arc de triomphe''
Which the current parser resolves to L'<i>arc de triomphe</i>