It appears the problem at this point was with my JavaScript code. I forgot to add a ) at the end of my JavaScript file. I also used getElementByID instead of getElementById.
Thank you for your help. I wouldn't have figured this out nearly as fast on my own.
Thank you, Derric Atzrott
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Krinkle Sent: 25 May 2012 21:19 To: Wikimedia developers Subject: Re: [Wikitech-l] ResourceManager and Javascript in Mediawiki
On May 25, 2012, at 10:37 PM, Derric Atzrott wrote:
Hmmm.... does not appear to work for me. I added window.alert("Test"); to the JavaScript file to make sure.
The relevant sections of each file are listed out below. All of these sections are in sections of their respective files that are being
SpecialMasterPlanForm.php: MasterPlanForm.php: js/ext.MasterPlanForm.core.js:
Those files look generally OK.
Are you sure that Special page is working (is the HTML output working)?
A few things that may help you: * enable debugging in LocalSettings.php [1] * Check your php error_log and/or your apache error log * Check the browser console, perhaps there is an exeception thrown by ResourceLoader in the client side? * Enable debug mode in the front-end by appending [?&]debug=true to the url, then check the browser console again.
-- Krinkle
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