Uwe Brauer wrote :
I am on 1.9.3 and it does not, it is supposed to be skin independent, no? By the way I have the feeling the syntax is for the header, but I asked for the _title_ of the article.
No the syntax is correct and is for the title of the article (which, in HTML, is inside a <h1> with class=firstHeading ), the one that is displayed on the article page, not for the header <title> (which is displayed at the top of your browser).
1.9.3 also work just fine for me.
You said you put the
.firstHeading { text-align: center; }
in common.css. Which common.css ? (I mean : is it the [[Mediawiki:Common.css]] page of your wiki ?)
Can you check in the HTML source code of one page of your wiki (firefox/IE : right-click on the page + "show source") that you do have something like this somewhere : <h1 class="firstHeading">Page title here</h1>
same thing for the file skins/monobook.php (assuming you're using monobook), can you check that there is <h1 class="firstHeading"> somewhere
Last thing, is there in your LocalSettings.php anything about CSS ? (e.g. : $wgUseSiteCss = false; which should be $wgUseSiteCss = true;)