Timwi wrote:
Manuel VACELET wrote:
I investigate to embed a wiki engine into another web application. As wikipedia user I think mediawiki is one of the best engine and I would integrate it. But I would have your developer point of view : Do you think it is a good idea to embed mediawiki as wiki engine or should I look for another tool ?
I am unsure what exactly you mean by "embed". It is always possible to install MediaWiki in a subdirectory of your server root, and have other Web applications in different directories.
I think "embed" means combining them such that certain features would work seamlessly as though it was all one application - most importantly, I would expect, logins. IIRC, somebody else mentioned something very similar to this just recently...
Ah yes, someone was considering merging the databases for MediaWiki and phpBB: http://mail.wikipedia.org/pipermail/mediawiki-l/2004-August/000903.html
Basically, there doesn't seem to be a lot to stop you - if you do want to combine the database with something else the same issues apply: make sure table names don't conflict, formats match appropriately, etc. Other than that, it's really a case of customising skins and interface features to make it look and feel like part of the same thing [hopefully fairly straight-forward], and adding any particular magic features you want for your own needs.
Of course, I could have completely misunderstood the original message, in which case please ignore my babblings...