2008/5/10 Mark Bergsma mark@wikimedia.org:
Max Semenik wrote:
Mailman has problems, too. Yes, I can believe that pipermail fails to publish my emails although they are properly saved to the database, but mailman also fails to send me back a copy of my messages despite checked "Receive your own posts to the list" in preferences. (Sending this from Gmail web interface instead of The Bat! to check if my problems are related to it).
I'm afraid you're blaming the wrong victim here; I just checked the mail server logs, and they show that the corresponding copy of your message was delivered to Google mail servers at 17:35:21 UTC, roughly two minutes after your message had been received by Mailman.
Yes. This is caused by a Google misfeature: Gmail WILL NOT show you copies of messages you sent, even if you want it to, and this cannot be turned off.
I went there, ticked "not helpful" and when asked why said "it doesn't tell me how to switch this Gmail misfeature off." You may care to do something similar.
- d.