On Tue, Jan 06, 2004 at 09:49:48PM +0100, Magnus Manske wrote:
It should be considered that I recently threw in an "image location and caption style" feature in form of the table markup.
{| class=rimage
will align the image to the right, select a smaller font for the caption etc. Maybe we should focus on the thumbnail capability here.
I just tried to test this. It didn't work. After some searching, I noticed that these classes are defined only for the wikistandard.css. cologneblue.css and nostalgia.css don't have them.
<brag> Too bad my Nupedia software isn't runnig anymore, it had thumbnail, normal, high quality, and "figure only" view, with SVG support (SVG plugin required), and even *different* captions (brief for thumbnail, extended for normal/HQ/figure-only), and even hidden text for the "alt" tag to be read to the blind... </brag>
<nag> Why didn't you implement this in phase II ? I wouldn't have to code all night long and read all this strange PHP code if it would have been available already ... </nag> ;-)