Just for information...
One of our user, Oliezekat has decided that it would be nice for the french wikipedia to provide user-modifiable main page; with possibly blocs of information movable, and colors choosable at user wish.
For this, he mentionned some stuff I didnot understand very well, css external files for colors, some static links or something...
He put his proposition of page on the french main page. I must mention this page requires XHTML politically correct browser.
Attached what I see of this proposition of him of our main page.
To compare with http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accueil
If XHTML is accepted on the main page, there is no reason it won't be afterwards on other pages. Of course, that implies that wikipedia becomes non-editable non readable to non-XHTML friendly browsers.
I am a bit embarrassed, and would be happy to have any advice on this.
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