On 11/1/05, Tels nospam-abuse@bloodgate.com wrote:
What I had in mind that the discussion page could be constructed from a series of "posts". Each post would be a wiki-mini-article in itself. Thus you get the tree structure (can collapse threads sort them etc), plus the "show me the latest posts", and you still have the "edit other people's text" feature. You need no new markup, it probably suffices to have a front-end that can collect the posts (all articles in name-space "MyArticle::Discussion::Post?) and display them on one page, with edit buttons etc per post.
You could even have a "this post was last edited by XYZ on ABC" - thus showing immidiately that the original author wasn't the last one to touch the text and thus giving you a hint to look at the history.
Threading by subject, time etc are all possible because these are just rearangements of the post articles.
Yes and yes. I would dearly like to see the above implemented. A system optimized for threaded discussions, rather than what one could hack up with the current transclusion implementation.