BinĂ¡ris wrote:
I found bot passwords, but they offer very limited user rights. So the best thing is to try without API?
I don't know enough about your requirements to say for sure, but in my uninformed opinion, the best thing would be to switch from Pywikibot Compat to Pywikibot core. :-) Looking at pages such as, it seems the Compat version of Pywikibot is completely dead and no longer supported. Retrofitting Compat to support current login code doesn't sound like fun to me.
I think the API documentation should probably be made a bit clearer as I think there are now two deprecated ways of logging in. We should likely make it more explicit which way applies to which versions of MediaWiki. This allows developers to have a quicker and easier understanding when determining how much compatibility code is needed in a specific tool/script/application.