* Marco Schuster marco@harddisk.is-a-geek.org [Sat, 5 Sep 2009 01:29:24 +0200]:
On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 9:21 PM, Chad innocentkiller@gmail.com wrote:
Wheee! TortoiseSVN indeed spoils us Windows users, as it's made version control so easy that...well...a Windows user can do it ;-)
If Windows had a decent command line / shell (has its suckyness
for Win7?), I bet that TortoiseSVN had far less downloads... it simply is the only way to make SVN usable on Windows.
Old Windows Shell will be replaced by this one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_PowerShell But I've read long time ago that usability of Windows Shells is limited not just because the syntax is weak, but, what's more important, process startup delay is much longer than in Linux, thus, calling of lots of external console programs to perform complex actions would be much slower at the same machine. My own scripts (eg mediawiki video sitemap generator seem to prove that) Dmitriy