"Timwi" == Timwi timwi@gmx.net writes:
Timwi> There's nothing stopping you from writing a WYSIWYG editor Timwi> for Wiki mark-up. :-)
Well the lack of sufficiently technical abilities would qualify as a reason, I think.
_paranoia_ ??? It happened to me 3 times,
Timwi> What happened to you three times? That a comment of yours Timwi> was edited? That is to be expected, and perfectly Timwi> alright. That it was edited maliciously and nobody reverted Timwi> it? That's hard to believe.
Twice the format was changed, once it was lost and could not be found nor reverted believe me. I thought one of the wiki commitments is:
thou shalt not chance thy content no thy format of thy neighbour
Timwi> This is because friendly list administrators clean out the Timwi> spam behind the scenes so you don't have to. Just because Timwi> you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist ;-)
And that would be difficult to implement?
Another idea:
- would it be possible to have the discussion page, without the wiki makeup language. While this formating is nice for reading and writing articles, I find that checking whether the format of my contribution is correct is a real time consumer.
And a question:
- is it possible that a certain paragraph starts each line with the same prefix, like >I say bla bla >and moreove but I say bla bla
Uwe Brauer