On 24 August 2012 09:27, Yury Katkov katkov.juriy@gmail.com wrote:
Hi everyone!
I have found myself in the following situation several times: I created a wiki for some event or small project, everything works fine and after the event or project was done - nobody have seen this wiki for several months and does nothing on it. After several months somebody needs the wiki once again and realizes that the wiki database now have 3 Gb of text spam. Suppose that there is no back-up or rollback option in a wiki hosting. So here is the question: how to
No backups, no way to roolback to a date? thats bad. You could start a wiki from scratch, copy manually from the old one whatever was good. Maybe share this task with a few selected voluntaries. Start the new one without anonymous edits, a sexy theme and a huge campaign to attract people. "No like the old wiki!, this is actually good and maintaned!". Maybe the lack of maintenance contributed to the decay. I wonder if a wiki without enough contributors is worth existing, like a garden without anyone to cut the grass.